Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Tomato Tower

Another Pinterest Project:  DIY Vertical Planter Garden with instructions found on  (I really like her blog - she's smart AND funny!)

I tweaked it a little to maximize my space and accommodate large planters.

The risers are prefab and available at most home improvement stores.  They are around $25 each.  I used treated 2x4s and 2x6 for the frame because I knew that I'd be using plastic planters that would not come into contact with the wood.  I used screws and bolts to stabilize the frame.  I knew it would get heavy with soil, water and plants.  The planter boxes I purchased were extra large and I needed to cut the back edge down for a secure fit.  I also drilled holes in the bottom for drainage.  This wasn't a thrifty project.  With $50 for the risers, another $40 for the planter boxes, lumber, hardware and stain; I believe it was around $115-125 to build but it has certainly optimized space and has been a great way to add portable gardening space around our home.

Mid July